Thursday, March 16, 2006

We're bloggin' and you know I wanna blog it with you

Here are some observations:

1.) The popular hairstyle of obnoxious guidos known as ‘The Blowup’ will be our generation’s mullet.

(I know I’ve been saying this for a while, but before someone steals it (and takes credit for it), I want it recorded in (hyper)textual form.)

2.) If I die while AIM is still a prevalent means of communication, please don’t put a “RIP shoutout” in your profile to me. Seriously, I would appreciate the thought, but I just don’t know how I feel having my legacy remembered by an epithet such as this:

3.) Why is it a law of the universe that, after a night of heavy drinking and blacking out, there are ALWAYS two crumpled dollars and an ATM withdrawal receipt for 40-80 dollars in your wallet?

Once this seminar paper on sonnets is done, I’ll get some sweet stories on here.


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