I Hate Babies
Dudes…thanks for the comments. I plan to formally address them all in my next post as well as recall a pretty sweet story involving a pudding wrestling party I went to in college (complete with sex, shenanigans, and hilarity). For now though I really want to make sure to keep this blog updated every few days, so I figured I’d throw this article up. I wrote this one about hating babies. Pretty standard. I’m not sure if this article even makes sense (as I was VERY angry when I was writing it because I really do fucking hate babies); in any case, I’m about 90 percent done with this paper on sonnets, it’s 1 o’clock in the morning, I have black circles under my eyes, this paper is due at 6:30 pm tomorrow. If you were me would you care?
Let me reword that title: I HATE babies. People claim babies come from a stork and I vehemently disagree; babies look like they stepped right out of Middle Earth. Humongous heads! Little bodies! How the fuck can anyone think a baby is “cute?” Babies stink, both figuratively and literally. If you don’t already agree that babies are creepy critters, this essay will surely make you card-carrying member of the Baby-Hater Club.
My baby hating began a few years back, when I took a second to stop being a bitter jerk, to be an even bigger bitter jerk, thus allowing me to realize babies are really ugly mammals. Let me reword that: UGLY-ASS mammals. Surprisingly, voicing this vehement affirmation turned indignant matrons wild, as I usually found myself on the wrong end of some flailing female fisticuffs.
To this day I haven't let this stop me as I feel personally compelled to deliver my infantile diatribes whenever possible, and, of course, critical flak is always sure to accumulate. Sucky people (who were probably extra ugly babies) are quick to point out I was once a baby. To which I respond, yes, I acknowledge that, at one time, I was, in fact, a baby, and subsequently hate myself for it.
Next, critics and “haters” alike question how I ever intend to become a father with such a fervent hatred of babies. If by father, they’re referring to someone with a baby, I’ll pass. I’ll get a hobby instead.
Think about how time consuming a baby is. You have to do everything for a baby while they just lay around and cry. I tried that over winter break and my parents made me get a job. Speaking of getting a job, that brings me to another gripe I have with babies. Babies can’t hold jobs; they can’t even hold in a burp. A puppy is more self sufficient than a baby (and puppies can do cool tricks, babies cannot do A trick, let alone a cool trick).
What has a baby done for you lately, anyway? Babies won’t hold doors for you, buy you drinks at the bar, or even have a conversation with you. What nerve! Babies sit around, soil themselves, and eat baby-food (Sidenote: Baby-food is repulsive, the fact babies eat baby-food is reason enough to loath them). Oh, and if you answered “all babies have to do is look cute” read the next paragraph.
Babies are not cute. They’re not even “Seth Green cute”. They’re hideous. Already I’ve pointed out their huge noggins and dwarf bodies, but, did you also know, babies wear diapers? Is a diaper cute? Diapers aren’t so cute when strapped on your grandparents, so why would it be cute on a baby? Babies look like something out of a science fiction movie; better yet, a horror movie.
To sum it up, babies are appalling. I abhor people that dress babies up in “wacky” outfits, like tuxedos or leather jackets. Movies featuring talking babies are sick. And if you thought that video on the internet of the CGI animated baby dancing to classic rock was funny, reevaluate your existence.
In conclusion, because babies can’t beat the first level of Super Mario Brothers, play the guitar, or even go to community college, they should be boycotted. I know Valentines Day is a great excuse for guys to give their girlfriends a surprise gift of a baby, but please, for the good of humanity, resist. If we as a global community strike against the evil baby empire, we may put some mutagenic pressure on fetuses to evolve into a more symbiotic organism, benefiting all and preserving my mental health.
Babies suck and San-Dimas High School Football Rules!
FINALLY, someone else who thinks babies are a waste of space! Testify!
babies are taking over the world!!!! argh! Hey Bobberous , next time someone says that u were a baby , just say that u werent a dumb ugly baby like everyone else.
I agree. There isn't a more annoying sound than the sound of a crying baby. I just hate them and wish they would stop crying for at least 30 seconds.
HAHAHAHA I COMPLETELY FUCKING AGREE WITH YOU MAN!!!!!!!!! finally someone understands!
Babies are the worst those fuckin babies there the worst !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
stupid babies
HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fUCK BABIES!
You all are a bit messed up in the head, but that's ok... Just understand that most people don't hate babies, and make sure to use birth control each and every time.
I hate the little fuckers too. So much so I googled it trying to find something fun about it (flash game baby toss like clay targets for a shotgun or something :)
The women who bare them are just as bad. Every stupid holiday I get stuck with watching the spawn of my family for a "minute" (because now after 40 minutes of talking bout his poops color to others they want to change topic I guess)
Turns out to be 20, then hold him hold him now! No thanks odds are he shite himself and I don't recall fucking you so I'm not putting up with this literal shit!
So I hate babies,parents, but before you write someone off as heartless I absolutely love kittens. Cute in a few weeks, self shitable,bathing, unlike us have a purpose in life (kill everything smaller!)
My ultimate fantasy is the myth of the cat stealing the babies breath :) (cripes the lengths you people go to to protect that worm from every mundane thing like the milk being organic because you can't feed him from the silicone tits you used to ensure his existence)
Sorry bout that just ranting
Babies suck ass and I am tired of hearing about them. I am a female and I HATE babies. Fuck em. Let them all die and rot in hell where they all belong.
I hate babies too but think
you werea baby once too
Thank you all. I really fucking hate babies. I am so happy to see females with the same mindset. That gives me hope. I am 20, and not going through a "phase" I will always hate babies. Ever since I could remember,(around 4 or 5) I hated babies then. It was never a jealousy issue, I could just never stand the little fuckers. Always crawling around, shitting them selves, getting in to mischief thinking they are cute, and watching your reaction as they break whatever they interpret has sentimental or a great value to you. They are ungrateful from birth (yes they dont have an appreciation of value) but things don't change even as they become teens. They are born ungrateful and continue to stay that way. I would never beat a child, but I would never have one either. They smell bad, they look bad, they act bad, and no they dont love you, they learn to pretend in order to get what they want. Would you rather buy things for a kid that is bitching and moaning, or one that is acting loving towards you. My point exactly
Okay. While I think some toddlers look cute, I shudder at the sight of a bay. They truly are hideous. I have tried so very hard to like them (probably because I am a woman), but I just don't. I think they are FUGLY as hell, utterly repulsive and annoying creatures. I know they can't help what they are, but so can't I. I have hated them ever since I was a kid. Like someone else said- it was never a jealousy issue. I was an only child and the youngest of my family. I NEVER had to endure ANY competition at all. As a little girl, I was afraid of babies and baby dolls. I hated girls that played with baby dolls. I was always into My Little Ponies and dinosaurs. ;)
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